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Chicago Gun Lawyer

Gun Crimes/Weapons Crimes

As a Chicago gun lawyer, some of the gun crimes Mr. Uche handles include:
  • Unlawful use of weapons
  • Unlawful possession of weapons
  • Discharge of a firearm
  • Unlawful possession of firearm
  • Possession of a stolen firearm
  • Possession of a firearm by a felon
  • Firearm – Gun trafficking/Gunrunning
  • Gun manufacturing Altering
  • Firearm assault
  • Gun control violations
Weapons and gun charges are punished severely in Illinois.  The type of punishment you are facing depends on the facts and circumstances surrounding your case.  For instance, a first time charge of gun possession is usually a misdemeanor.  However, a second offense of the same charge will almost certainly trigger felony charges.  The type of weapon also determines whether you will face a misdemeanor or a felony.  For example, you will most likely be facing a misdemeanor for a first time offense of possessing a pistol.  However, a charge of possessing a machine gun will always trigger a felony irrespective of whether or not it is your first offense.   The place or area of the offense also determines whether you will face a misdemeanor or a felony.  Thus, even though a first time offense of carrying a pistol will often trigger a misdemeanor, it becomes a felony if you carry or possess the pistol in a school. A Weapons charge or gun charge is very complex.  However, an attorney with a thorough understanding of the law could assist you in navigating through such gun possession charges or laws.  Like drug charges, gun laws can almost always be challenged by attacking the reasons behind your arrest.  The reason is simple: most weapons charges or gun charges originate from traffic stops or searches.  Nevertheless, in the United States, the public is protected from unreasonable searches and seizures.  Hence, the evidence (weapons or guns) would most likely be thrown out if a court finds that the police was unjustified in stopping or searching you. In fact, a simpler approach in handling a weapon charge or gun charges is to carefully examine the exact charge.  Most gun charges are usually accompanied with exceptions.  However, not all law enforcement or police officers might take the time to investigate or inquire as to whether or not you qualify to possess a gun under one of the many exceptions.  For example, you should not be charged with a gun crime if the gun that is being transported is broken down and in a non-functional state.  In addition, a person is allowed to have a gun within their home, but of course with the proper license. As a former Chicago prosecutor Attorney Uche has the unparalleled experience and skill to successfully handle your complex weapon charges and gun charges. For a FREE 24/7 consultation with Mr. Uche call 312-380-5341 now!

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We would like to know more about your case to see how we can help. Our consultations are free and completely confidential.  Call 888-251-4428 (toll free) or 312-380-5341, or email us by filling out and submitting the form to the side. Address: 22 W Washington St #1590, Chicago, Illinois 60602 Phone: 312.380.5341 Fax: 312.854.8001 Business Hours: 24/7

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