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Attorney Uche persuades Illinois Appellate Court to throw out client’s conviction for drug trafficking
by Attorney Uche | May 22, 2017 | Recent Wins | 2 Comments
In a major appellate victory, Attorney Uche persuaded Illinois' Third Appellate District Court to throw out his client's 12-year sentence and conviction for drug trafficking. The case, People v. Litwin had involved a traffic stop where a police officer had allegedly...
Attorney Uche secures a Not Guilty jury verdict for a client facing armed habitual criminal charges
by Attorney Uche | May 22, 2017 | Recent Wins | 0 Comments
Attorney Uche was hired as co-counsel on a case in which Cook County Prosecutors charged a Chicago resident with armed habitual criminal. Chicago police had accused the man of unlawful possession of a gun. The Defendant had an extensive criminal background which...
Attorney Uche secures a Not Guilty jury verdict on behalf of a client charged with four counts of Rape
by Attorney Uche | May 22, 2017 | Recent Wins | 0 Comments
Attorney Uche was hired by a young man charged with four counts of rape after his prior attorney had urged him to plead guilty. The Lake County persecutors during a week-long jury trial had presented eight witnesses including two detectives, a nurse and a DNA expert....
When Can You Be Charged with Burglary in Illinois?
by Attorney Uche | May 1, 2015 | Criminal Law News & Topics | 0 Comments
When most people think of the term “burglary,” they think of a person breaking into a home to steal money or property. However, under Illinois law,1 the criminal offense of burglary encompasses many more potential scenarios than the traditional idea of a burglary. All...
Can a Person Be Accused of Illinois DUI with a BAC Under 0.08?
by Attorney Uche | April 24, 2015 | Current Affairs/Law/Politics & News. | 0 Comments
It is common knowledge that driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI) is a criminal offense in the state of Illinois. Perhaps equally well-known is the fact the legal limit for a driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08 percent. Importantly, however,...
Internet Crimes in Chicago
by Attorney Uche | April 17, 2015 | Criminal Law News & Topics | 0 Comments
People use the internet to conduct business, stay in touch, playing games, and much more. Unfortunately, some individuals use the internet for crime and the laws of Illinois1 address unlawful acts that are related to the internet and/or computers in the Computer Crime...
Do I Need An Attorney If I Am Accused Of A Misdemeanor Offense?
by Attorney Uche | April 10, 2015 | Criminal Law News & Topics | 0 Comments
According to statistics1 compiled by the state of Illinois, there were nearly 250,000 misdemeanor cases filed in 2013. Misdemeanor offenses are those that are punishable by not more than a year in prison and are generally considered less serious offenses. As a result...
What Are Common Defenses In a Criminal Case?
by Attorney Uche | April 3, 2015 | Criminal Law News & Topics | 0 Comments
Many people facing criminal charges believe that they have no other realistic option other than to plead guilty and face the consequences. However, there are many arguments that a defendant can make in order to defend against their charges and have the charges...
Can a Chicago DUI Defense Lawyer Suppress Evidence In a DUI Case?
by Attorney Uche | March 30, 2015 | DUI Law News & Topics | 0 Comments
The answer to the question posed above is “in some cases, yes.” When evidence is successfully suppressed, it is inadmissible in court, which can often lead prosecutors to drop cases or judges to dismiss them due to a legal insufficiency of evidence. As a result, it is...
What Is Tax Fraud?
by Attorney Uche | March 20, 2015 | Criminal Law News & Topics | 0 Comments
With tax season well underway, many Americans are filing their returns, awaiting refunds, or paying their rightful tax liability. Tax time can be stressful, especially for individuals or households that owe money to the government. While it is only natural for people...